Summer 2020

“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.”

-Henry James

Theme: A Day at the Henry Clay Estate

Teas: Passion tea and lemonade from Starbucks

Food: Vegetable pizza, chips and salsa, the iconic and random carrots, blueberry lemon scones, watermelon, and banana pudding

Activity: Walk the gardens at the estate

Favor: Pioneer Woman plates

Memories & Jokes to Remember: Kelli brought a cute little “sippy” cup for her water which is good because the large tea I bought her spilled all over the car when I was getting out!

-Tiffanie peddled her random nut assortments she always gets.

-Ants quickly infiltrated our picnic and tried to take down the banana pudding.

-While taking pictures by the flowers, a wedding photographer spotted us and asked if we were a Bible study group???

-A dangling tree branch threatened to kill me.